Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Honey crackles and my inability to edit

It's been three weeks since I last wrote and for two reasons, One I got a bad flu and secondly we have had two wee boys come to live with us. They are three and six and so my life has just become a thousand times busier. It is just until their parents sort their lives out although I do not know when that will be....

I have also been thinking about exactly what direction I want my blog to go in or if it is time to start a new one. My life is in such a different place from the nearly five years ago when I started this blog or even one year ago actually.

So I don't really have time to write a proper post today because I have glittery play dough to make and a big basket of ironing, hours of study to catch up on and literally a hundred cookies to bake because we also have two teens here on a daily basis, so the 6 kids combined eat faster than I can make it!. Most people in this country have a maid but I refuse. I love making my house a beautiful and clean place to live in and I would never give that up!

and a beloved NZ recipe that I am blessing you with that literally takes just a few minutes to make, fantastic in an emergency. If I ever had to serve store made cookies or cake to anyone I would just die of shame so this is for those times you have nothing in the house and need to whip up something fast.

Honey Crackles

4 cups of Rice Bubbles (Rice krispies or whatever else you may call them!)
2 Tbsp Honey
1/2 cup of sugar
130 grams of butter

Melt butter, sugar and honey together until gently boiling then fold into the rice bubbles and spoon into muffin cases until set.

Easy hey?

Anyway here are some photos from the last week (I am too lazy to edit them in any way so forgive me for my non instagrammedness)