This is the last post I will ever write on this blog insha'Allah but I'm not going to delete it, I just wanted to say goodbye.
It's been over eight years since I started writing and at the time I started it was literally a lifesaver for me, I don't know what I would have done without it. I met so many wonderful sisters through it, many of whom I'm still in contact with to this day.
But I am so far removed from that woman who started writing that if I were to meet her I wouldn't recognize her. No longer am I depressed, unsure, unconfident and desperate for love and approval. No longer do I need validation from anyone but Allah. Many, many tests and trials have come my way since that day but Allah has helped me stay strong through all of them. Really all praise is to to the Lord of the Worlds, the one who has never failed me or deserted me.
I have grown since then from a mother of one to a mother of four! A woman who felt trapped inside a prison of her body to one who not only shed that weight but kept it off, one who hid inside her home to one who has traveled the world and lived independently in Cairo without knowing a word of Arabic! (obviously that has changed now) I am so grateful for how far I've come, if you told me then just how amazing my life would eventually turn out to be I would never have believed it.
My life isn't perfect by any means! Late last year I became incredibly unwell and have literally fought for my life since then. I can no longer count the amount of times I've been hospitalized since that day, the amount of procedures and blood transfusions and medications I have been pumped full of of but I'm still here alhamdulillah. I know if I can get through this then I can get through anything, God willing.
I actually do have a vegan food blog I've been working on, but since I have been sick that has taken a slight hiatus, I have started my own business actually in conjunction with that and have lots of exciting plans for the future! My six months in New-Zealand gave me the impetus and drive to run after my dreams and not leave them on the shelf, and when I left New-Zealand last year it was only the beginning for me.
Anyway I leave you know with love and light and my appreciation for the years of being there for me!
Salam alikum
My Quran and shaytaan = test anxiety
2 months ago