Saturday 4 May 2013

My week and beyond

I haven't written one of these posts in a while. Half because my life is coma inducing boring much of the time and secondly because my camera hasn't been working since I got here and my husband keeps forgetting to get it fixed, and it's really just not the same without photos.

Last night my husband went to some Egyptian thing. I don't like to go because the women alternately talk only in Arabic and watch WWE (yeah I don't know either.....) but while he was gone it become like the 'old days' I could eat whatever I wanted for dinner! There is no way I could eat what I used to eat for dinner which was a salad, or soup or something like that. But tonight I really felt like rice pudding, except not the one of my childhood days :) This is certainly not a family recipe! Mine is a vegan version which I usually make with a  mixture of wild and brown rice and cook it in coconut milk, cardamon and agave.

If you want to know how to make your own coconut milk, to cut costs and miss out on the icky BPA's lining most cans then you can find out here (it's super easy). I also top mine with some pureed mango (since mangoes are super cheap here) I can buy a box of six or so for the price I used to pay for one in NZ. And the kids get some raw cream on theirs.

Speaking of raw cream, which is actually illegal in New-Zealand and you have to do a whole lot of weird things in order to get the clandestine milk and it's really expensive. Here they sell it outright and it is cheaper than the milk I was buying at Woolworths! Milk in South Africa usually has rSBT in it. For those who don't know rSBT is a genetically modified growth hormone that is injected into the cow, rSBT allows the cow to produce much more milk than normal (and if that wasn't bad enough to be already drinking growth hormones) in turn it often can give the cow mastitis along with a whole lot of other infections, which in turn leaks pus into the milk, there is actually an allowable amount of pus per liter  Gross. I don't know about you but I prefer my milk without a side of puss and GMO to boot. I don't even drink animal milk but the kids do and no way would I let them consume that on a daily basis.

Again just going off the GMO thing, I thought it best to plug now for 25/5 which is occupy Monsanto protests. They are worldwide but in South Africa will be in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

This week the clothes debate continues in our house. You see my husband would love me to dress like this....

And most of the time I just don't. I dress much more like this

I want to love abayas but I just can't. I do sometimes wear them to make him happy. But he is the same way actually. I beg him to wear thobes because I think he looks so handsome in them but most of the time he doesn't. So he wears his jeans and t shirts and I wear my hijab and cardigans and for the most part life goes on.

At home it is another story. You see at home I tend to wear dresses like this one

But guess what my husband wants me to wear. No seriously I bet you can't!

We were in a store and I tried on some jeans and a hoodie as a joke. He knows I wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of pants. He looked at me and told me how beautiful I looked. I seriously thought he was joking but sadly he was not. He wanted so bad to buy them for me but he can forget it. You can take me out of New-Zealand but you are not taking me out of my vintage style dresses.

Ok I can hear pudding in the other room demanding to get up. He chirps in the sweetest voice "Mum? Mum? Mum?" until I go in and when I do he throws himself down in gratitude :)

I am sorry for not replying to any comments on this blog or anyone else. I LOVE your comments and I love reading all your blogs. When I try it just redirects me to my sign in page. I will get my husband to try and fix it today, he is good with stuff like that while I can barely even manage to turn the computer on.

Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday xxx


  1. Glad to read your news dear! I really love the way you dress - I would imagine as long as it is modest, where is the problem.

    I remember when I was in Egypt, many women were wearing these pants and hoodies mix - I dislike them a lot too.

    Have a blessed and sunny sunday!
    Much love to all.

  2. How was the pudding then dear :)

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